Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday night, Libba and I went to dinner. We had a good waiter that was very busy but still really good. I ordered a salad and Libba ordered a steak.

After a short time a young man who was not our waiter brought our order. He happened to be black and he assumed that the salad was for Libba. I jokingly said to him, "you were profiling". He laughed and said, "Yes I was".

I really didn't think much of it until I read the following:

LOS ANGELES --- A space-themed, talking Hallmark graduation card is being pulled from store shelves because of the card’s reference to a black hole.
But members of the Los Angeles NAACP say the message sounds like "black whore" in the card's audio recording. That's how they hear it, and they say it's racist, KABC-TV in Los Angeles reported.
"That was very demeaning to African-American women when it made reference to African-American women as whores, and at the end it says 'watch your back,'" said Leon Jenkins of the Los Angeles NAACP.
The Hallmark card reads, "Hey world, we are officially putting you on notice," before playfully touting the ambitious future of the new graduate.
Characters known as "Hoops" and "Yoyo" banter on: "And you black holes, you are so ominous. Watch your back."
Hallmark calls the outrage a misunderstanding, claiming that the space theme emphasizes the power the graduate has to take over the universe, even energy-absorbing black holes.
"The intent here is to say that this graduate is not afraid of anything," explained Hallmark spokesman Steve Doyal.
Apparently, NAACP members heard something different.

Just for the record. You are going to have to come up with something better than, fat, bald, old, white, redneck to insult me.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Time Flies When Your Having Fun

Today Libba and I celebrate 32 years of marriage. Never thought I would get anyone to stick around that long.

Most of that time has been fun, all of it has been rewarding. There are many things that I would do differently if I were given the chance but even though I was tricked into getting married at such an early age, I would not change that.

In a somewhat related item it was announced today that the cost of raising a child to the age of 18 have been raised to $222,360.00.00.

To My Children. Let me remind you that it was a loan.

Gosh! It has been a long time.........

I know I have been gone for a while but between working, sweeping dog hair, trying to find the dog, and keeping the DVR clean, I don't have much disposable time.

Today I do have a couple of thoughts for you:

1) I have gotten interested in a couple of websites that you might like.

The first is a somewhat irreverent look at the B.S. that we are fed by the mainstream media everyday.

The second is a more conventional Right Wing site with a hint of Tea Party.

2) It has occurred to me that I have nearly everything that I need. We looked around the other day and found a kitchen appliance that we had never used. It is a good one and we have started using it but we have had it for years. I wear the same clothes nearly everyday and sure, every now and then they need replacing but I don't need many clothes.

What I don't have enough of is ammunition. That is right, good ole AMMO. There are several reasons why this is the perfect time to give ammo.
a) It is getting more expense all the time.
b) The politicians are going to make it impossible to get and will never try to ban guns but if they control ammo they have done the same thing.
c) Imagine the following:
The President, (you know the one), is coming down the steps of Air Force One getting ready to bow to some Islamic dictator and he slips on a patch of oil left over from the spill. He falls all the way to the bottom and breaks his skinny neck. No doctors are available due to Healthcare Reforms and he dies. This will be declared to be the fault of Bush, and he did it because he hates blacks. There will be war in the streets and I don't have enough AMMO!

When shopping just stick to NATO rounds please. These will be easier to find in the New World Order.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Field Trip

This is another house that is on Turkey Heaven Mountain. It is not as fancy as the other one but has a great view.

It was windy, can you tell?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Field Trip

So here is how you promote your mental health in Heflin, Alabama. When you have a chance you go on a Field Trip. I take my inspector with me, He is an Auburn fan but still he is a nice guy. Our first notable Field Trip was to a vineyard in Fruithurst, Alabama. Fruithurst has had vineyards since before Civil War times. This one is owned by a guy who is an American Airline pilot and his cousin. The cousin may have some experience with some other cash crops. They only grow muscadines and they have a winery there. We were given a private tour including a wine tasting. I know it was only 10 a.m. but you have to do what you have to do. They invited us back to watch them harvest the grapes the next week. Here is a video.

Our latest trip was today, we went to Turkey Heaven Mountain. It is a minor mountain east of Cheaha.

Before we got to the mountain we could see it and noticed a house hanging right at the top. We drove up and found the house. It had signs everywhere saying "NO TRESPASS". Well I knew they were talking about other people, not me.

We entered the gate in a stone wall, there was a stone courtyard with several outbuildings. The whole compound sits on 40 acres and is surrounded by retaining walls except where the gate is. The owner came out and was the most gracious host to two uninvited guests.

He is retired military and must have done it well.

It is a multi million dollar home on a multi thousand piece of land with a multi billion dollar view. Here are pictures and they don't do it justice.

It is their design based off of French farm houses that they saw in Europe while he was in the Army.

They have 2 generators for power in bad weather and the house had to be designed for 140 mile per hour winds due to the elevation (over 1600 feet).

There are fire pits with benches located so that you can sit and look out over the vistas. The owners, the wife came out after a while, were great and I don't know why Southern Living is not knocking on their door.

I am working here but these "Field Trips" keep us sane.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I am not a real FANatic!

I just watched a video of the LSU fans showing up for the game tomorrow.

One of the men was dressed as a cheerleader, I mean a female cheerleader.

Clearly he wins in the race that is decided by, Who will do the stupidest thing in the name of being a fan.

If we win tomorrow, I am very happy. If we lose tomorrow, I am very sad. But no pleated skirt. Sorry Nick.

Friday, October 30, 2009

They call me "Pete"

Lately we have had several conversations about what Hayes should call Libba and I.

We have gone through all of the obvious choices, you know the ones, and I have stated that I think we should let him be the one to decide. Well that might work if anyone would be patient enough for it to happen but we doubt that they will.

I started thinking about names and nickname that I have been called, some of them not flattering, and really don't think that any of them are appropriate for a young man to call his mother's father.

There is a man on my job in Heflin that calls me "Pete". I bet you wonder why. I have not a clue.

One day he called me Pete and I asked if he knew my name and he said "Yeah, Wayne, but you look like a Pete to me".

In the not too far off future Hayes will look at Libba and I and decide what we look like to him. There are many things that would be acceptable to me but I have to tell you, I hope that I don't look like a "Pete".